“It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.” W. Edwards Deming.
I came across a seminar on ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in September 2014. We discussed a lot on the performance and standard issues. Looking at our organization as a living system, like people, we handle emotions and relationships like the process of growing and developing in every life cycle encountered.
Performance at work and how one handle his or her relationship is quite similar in a way that can be discussed further into five categories, namely:
1. Accept your fault/failure : you must admit that you are wrong or something has gone wrong both with your best performance or in a relationship. You just didn’t reach the goal that has been set for you. If you cannot discuss or find out the root cause of your problem, you will never be able to accept the truth, the very core of the problem itself.
However, take note that “A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.” B.F. Skinner.
2. Learn how to deal with it: sometimes we thought we did the best we could to save a relationship or to perform at our best in the work place. But in reality, it didn’t work that way. Rejection, jealousy, comparison, competition, back stabbing, rumor-monger, and many kinds of negativities can kill you. Learning how to deal with these factors will make you a better person.
3. You do not meet the required standard or expectation they have for you: talking about standards, each family, organization, and relationship imply different standards. How does one measure that standard? You never know, your performance maybe under or exceed the standard they have set for you. This is a very sensitive topic since expectation varies, who determines that standard? For instance, company owners, CEO, head of the family, and those who make decision are the ones who set and raise the standard. So if you do not pass his or her standard, then do not be upset; try working on with the ones where you can fulfill their requirements.
4. You are not meant to be, it is not for you: Not having your dream job just because you failed the interview, does not mean you are not good enough. It means the company does not want to hire you because you are not a fit for the job. Do not look down on your self-worth, keep looking till you discover the job that suits you.
I was hired by the Institute of International Education Bangkok in 2001 but I never dreamed of working in the educational field. After working with them, I discovered that this is what I wanted. I pursued my passion and eagerness to learn. And that made me who I am today with my Ph.D. and interesting stories to tell and re-tell of my great time growing up with the company I worked for.
5. Do better next time: The word “Best” is the greatest and the most, or the fullest you have made your effort to achieve your goal either at work or in a relationship, you had given your “all”. However, in certain circumstances, you might be working with people who dislike you, or you might be in a relationship where your counterpart continuously is keeping distance from you. It means that you have to exit yourself from that work place or the relationship. Simply tell yourself, better luck next time!
Winston Churchill said, “Sometimes doing your best is not good enough. Sometimes you must do what is required.”