The global lifestyle now is quite different from the lifestyle we used to have 10-20 years ago where the use of phone calls, text messages, and emails seemed to be the fastest means of communication. Today, we recognize the importance of the Internet and its interconnected capacity to keep individuals in touch with each other from different parts of the world by sharing their up to date profile through what we call ” Social Network”.
I got myself signed up for a few social networks, not to gain more friends but to keep track with my family and old folks that I have not met for years. In the past, people’s wish was to read other people’s mind and now with the help of Social Network, it is a dream come true. Like Facebook for instance, individuals express their thoughts, opinions, share pictures, check-in location, report news, and interact without barriers with real time information.
Thanks to Wifi, Internet usage could be free of charge or paid on a monthly basis with an affordable fee. But how Social Network transformed business communication to the new level is quite interesting. Many companies embraced the use of Social Media through teleconference, live chat, company photo updates (Pinterest), tweet statements (Twitter)etc. It also increases interaction means with the public and selected groups of people (Facebook). Besides, Social Media is used to advertise products and services for free. This helps the producer or seller to interact directly with consumers or buyers, at the same time feeding valuable information to the public.
How Social Media changed the way we communicate? The common six business communication barriers are: complex messages, withholding information, different status, ineffective communication processes, lack of trust, and, language barriers. Through Social Network, messages became simple and easy to understand. Information is shared and given easy access to public or clients. Employees, clients, all stakeholders, and the public are encouraged to give feedback either to respond to the topic posted, like or share the post, or even create their own post to reason out their opinion on certain topics. Communication process cut short where direct interactions and conversation occur through Social Network. Involvement of people and the public can increase trust levels due to open communication. Language had been a major problem, but now with a translate button or translate language applications in Social Network, people get a quick or rough translation at their finger tips.
No matter how effective Social Network may be, many still prefer other means of communication. Businesses should be able to determine and reach out to their clients and the public the most effective ways to communicate with them. Clients sometime prefer face-to-face, formal letter, written memo, or simply an email. I believe social network has changed the way we live, but never forget that the first means of communication is to really talk to someone personally, where stories and facial expressions are shared among people you interact with.