Coaching or mentoring is a walking with or accompaniment process with a professional or life coach for individual support and learning to attain success in a specific goal professionally or in a stage of life. It is a noteworthy to find someone you can consider a Treasured Coach –who not only walks with you but actually walks the talk. The relationship between the coach usually starts with establishment of the “WHY” the PURPOSE of the engagement. From this vital “Why” or purpose stems forth the rest of the process of accompaniment leading towards breakthroughs.
I want to feature in this blog an excerpt from the article of Perla Rizalina M. Tayko, PhD**, a treasured colleague and coach who inspires and challenges me to achieve breakthroughs towards success an significance. It is a personal sharing of her 7 pivotal power sources for breakthrough in life: These are best lessons from years of transformative learning and change (TLC). The full article will be published and released in November 2013.
Perla Rizalina M. Tayko, PhD**
What makes a person shift dramatic moves, flip unexpectedly, turn about face and around, or get out of the box or his comfort zone at a point in time? Where does the pivotal power source come from? What driving forces trigger such a move and resolve to take such stand or surge of energy to change and do things differently in one’s life work and in a life time? What makes one turn to every season in one’s lifetime? What makes one start a new season other than the normal ebb and flow of a season? There must be a power source from within the depths of ones being that springs, sparks, spurns and spawns new beginnings, new ventures, new paths, new horizons and new territories.
Every person born into this world must have the power source for infinite and unimaginable possibilities. It is a seed of potentialities; it is a goldmine; a secret to unfold; a story to weave into a pattern of unspeakable joy and challenge. This power source in theory is believed to be “quantum power spring” (QPS). What is it for me to call this QPS?
The “quantum power spring” (QPS) from inside out for transformative learning and change (TLC) is the surge of the spirit from within responding to the pull of the future now, for me to “be the pearl of great price”. This is a choice out of the depths of my Being making a quantum surge into the future and in space beyond earth bound boundaries of land and water. It is an act of faith, in spirit and in thought where I affirm my “life of permanent purpose” and explore the possibilities beyond the 21 years of dolphin thinking operating in the landscape and ocean deep practice of my teaching, facilitating and consulting profession. …….
It seems clearer that in extraordinary times, exponential times with exponential technologies, such characteristics associated with the 21st century, the QPS has the capability/capacity take me to higher, deeper, broader, interpenetrating and interconnecting levels of BEING/BEHAVING/BECOMING.”………
Thus for me to “think/learn/create/care/connect and LEAD” with my whole brain potentials would require of me to affirm, draw out from my QPS … the quantum power springs as the fountain inspiration, motivation, energy, expression, disposition and connection. I now can emerge, unfold, evolve and unleash this potential and possibility as a matter of choice. ….The pivotal power points (PPP) of the QPS could be any or all of the following:
- The QUANTUM Power of PURPOSE – this is the energy that springs from the depths of one’s being.
- The QUANTUM Power of PERSPECTIVE – this is the encompassing view of a “universe of possibilities” unfolding with the blending of measures and momentum into a creative harmony of change/certainty; consistency/curiosity.
- The QUANTUM Power of PRESENCE – this is the unfolding mystery and magic of the NOW so powerful to reveal the message from moment to moment realization when one’s mindfulness of the present is active and open.
- The QUANTUM Power of PRINCIPLES – this is the strength of one’s belief on what matters in content, context and process having lived through life’s events, engagements and experiences with careful reflection and resolution on the rhyme and reason of every thought, feel, act emerging and becoming a reality.
- The QUANTUM Power of PASSION – this is the energy of the heart in full reign of what matters in and for life immerse with compassion wherever it makes a difference .
- The QUANTUM Power of PROCESS – this is the creative evolving energy in touching and tasking things that translate to actions to make things happen .
- The QUANTUM Power of PRACTICE –this is the energy of professional practice which embodies all the above QPS in one’s being at all levels of expressions of self with self, family, peers, organization and community.
Post Script:
Initially, one would say that these 7 QPS would be very relevant on finding one’s SIGNIFICANCE. On deeper insight one discovers that when one is on purpose , Success and Significance are no longer two different and separate poles. These 7QPS when internalized and lived facilitate the connectivity amidst the complexity in the world (within and without). The 7 QPS releases us from the tyranny of the “OR” instead we practice and live by the genius of the “AND”
We therefore no longer say : “from success to significance” nor “ success or significance”. Rather, we proclaim a breakthrough : Success AND Significance that springs from transformative learning and change through the 7QPS.
**Dr. Perla Rizalina M. Tayko is an international consultant in Human Organization Development. She is the Program Director MMOD/PHD in OD of the Graduate School of Business, Assumption University, Thailand. Dr. Tayko is the first recipient of the Richard Beckard Award of the International Organization Development Association (IODA) given on the 17th IODA World Conference in Santiago Chile . She is the main proponent of Whole Brain Literacy and has written two books , namely : Whole Brain Literacy: Key to Wholistic Education and Success in Today’s World ( co-authored with Marina L. Reyes-Talmo) and On the Ball : Leveraging the Future you want with WBL (co-authored with Josefina M. Agloro). Both books are available online through Amazon and Kindle.