Heinz Landau
Founding Partner & President
Heinz has more than 30 years of experience in various business leadership roles in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry and in engineering and trading. He moved all the way up from Trainee (Apprentice) to Country Manager. He has successfully worked and delivered results on three continents (Europe, Asia and Africa). Read more →

Elangovan Govindasamy
Vice President Learning & Development
Elan has more than 25 years as a successful trainer, mentor, facilitator and coach and highly proficient in topics pertaining to Leadership Development, Communication and People Skills in Presentations, Sales and Customer Service. Elan has also leadership and management experience that spans over 20 years. Read more →

Dr. Marissa L Fernando
Vice President Consulting
Marissa is an Organization Development expert who has practiced her field in education, management, research, training, and consultancy in various organizations. She has worked for various institutions such as schools, universities, non-government organizations and groups, microfinance and business. Read more →

Dr. Sasithara Sethanandha-Moreno
Sasithara earned her Ph.D. in the field of Organization Development from Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute (SAIDI), Philippines. She also has a Master of Management in Organizational Development from Assumption University, (ABAC), Thailand and a Bachelor of Communication in Communication Management from Assumption College, San Lorenzo Village, Philippines. Read more →